

Bloggers - Requirements and Importance Blogger is one of the best and most popular blog-publishing services which allow the blogs of multiple users using the time-stamped entries. Initially, it was developed & created by Pyra Labs and later in 2003; it was purchased by Google Corporation. The Bloggers need to host their blogs in Google and it is accessible through the blogspot’s sub-domain. The Bloggers can also host their blogs even on the custom-based domains that are owned by multiple users. The DNS facilities will direct the entire domain access (for example website) to Google’s Servers. A user is allowed to post 100 blogs within a single account.  Bloggersneed Until 1 st May 2010, the bloggers need to allow other users for publishing their own blogs using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or Web hosting server. Those blogs should change their access for pointing to Google Server’s own domain or utilize the blogspot’s sub-domain through DNS (Domain Na