
Bloggers - Requirements and Importance
Blogger is one of the best and most popular blog-publishing services which allow the blogs of multiple users using the time-stamped entries. Initially, it was developed & created by Pyra Labs and later in 2003; it was purchased by Google Corporation. The Bloggers need to host their blogs in Google and it is accessible through the blogspot’s sub-domain. The Bloggers can also host their blogs even on the custom-based domains that are owned by multiple users. The DNS facilities will direct the entire domain access (for example www.sample.com website) to Google’s Servers. A user is allowed to post 100 blogs within a single account. Bloggersneed

Until 1st May 2010, the bloggers need to allow other users for publishing their own blogs using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or Web hosting server. Those blogs should change their access for pointing to Google Server’s own domain or utilize the blogspot’s sub-domain through DNS (Domain Name Service). Bloggers are referred to as predominately artistic people based on the available list of users. The artistry essence will be important for creativity and in-turns; it could be the heart of the blogging process.

Different Blogger Roles

There are numerous roles or traits that are essential and important for blogging. SS (Schafer & Smith) informed that every bloggers need to have at least one role responsibility to publish the blog. But someone may have more than one role skills to become more popular. The bloggers are recognized based on their role or trait, the building skills, and creativity in building a successful blog.
Find below the list of the most important blogging roles or traits:

Curator – Dedicated bloggers are referred to as curators, guardians, and collectors of stories. Their brain is perfectly trained to identify the potential topics and utilize their creativity to blog them. They will make a note of each idea to properly draft the blog. They plan to provide some most important and good ideas that can be used in some other ways.

Persuader – Most of the passionate & desired bloggers will prefer to choose the present topics. They have general seeking and strong opinions to influence their audience.

Teacher – Because of its valuable, authentic, unique, and even nature the blog content can be easily taught and enlightened.

Storyteller – The most popular and best stories or blogs are conveyed in compelling, uncluttered, clear, and authentic language.

Dreamer – The successful bloggers need to showcase their creativity with a different world and share the same with their listeners or readers.

Bloggers – Important Factors

Creative Person – It is not required that every blogger need to be a creative person however, it should be an advantage for the bloggers. Creativity is another more important factor that needs to be considered while writing blogs. Most of the readers are impressed or attracted by the creative articles.

Work Hard – Hard work is another important factor to become a successful blogger. The bloggers need to work harder to showcase their creative or new ideas and have to promote their blogs through social media networking sites. It is not required to stress more, make use of your valuable time smartly and even delegate your work to other virtual staff.
